research technician
"My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I’ll apologize to you." - John Mulaney
Nia was sitting on the Malibu Beach bike path, sipping Arizona tea and playing with the skateboard under her Vans-clad feet, when she struck up a conversation with a stranger who told her rumors about a phenomenon called "seasons", and that they could be found in a place called "New England".
Upon getting her neuroscience degree from Pomona College in 2020, Nia traveled to Boston in search of the fabled "cold", where she found that snow really does exist and that B-cells are equally as cool as neurons (sorry, anonymous donors!). She only mildly regrets the decision, because even though she is shivering 24/7, it brought her into the wacky world of the Lingwood lab.
Now, Nia spends her days learning everything she can about B-cells, T-cells, D(endritic) cells, and all the other alphabet-cells. In the lab, she runs around wrestling mice, crying over the MiSeq, tracking down cell contamination, and crafting really good puns. She spends her spare time playing Tetris with all the lab equipment.
On the off-chance she isn't in lab, you can find Nia taking long moody walks with equally moody, self-made Spotify playlists, researching new recipes to try in the kitchen, and reliving her musical glory days with her guitar.