graduate student
Victoria was born and raised in Staten Island, New York and being a New Yorker is her favorite personality trait. If you couldn’t tell she was a New Yorker by the way she says coffee and dog, you could tell by her tap water elitism, love for bagels, and speedy walking pace.
Victoria ventured out of her homeland to the middle of Pennsylvania to attend Penn State where she completed her B.S. in Biology and discovered her love of research. After her return to NY, she worked as a research technician at the Icahn School of Medicine studying antibody responses to influenza virus and universal influenza vaccine design.
When her love for antibodies and vaccines design grew to match her love for her home, Victoria decided it was time for the next step and joined the Virology PhD program at Harvard. She has since found a new home in the Lingwood lab where she is eager to continue studying the immunological principles that govern broadly neutralizing antibody responses to influenza.
Her hobbies include: baking treats to share with the lab, saying hi to dogs she sees on the streets, playing mini golf (poorly) and singing karaoke (also poorly)